Network APN Settings
Login details for your specific network

EE - MBB and Voice & Data tariffs
APN: everywhere
Username: eesecure
Password: secure
EE M2M – The APN to use with EE UK and EE UK/EU/USA dynamic IP tariffs)
Username: ee
Password: ee
EE M2M – The APN to use with EE UK and EE UK/EU/USA Private APN tariffs
APN: mm.m2m
Username: - test
Password: – test

O2 - MBB and Voice & Data tariffs
APN: mobile.o2.co.uk
Username: o2web
Password: password
O2 Plan Sims Pillowing Profile (Enhanced Tech)
Name: Plan
APN: data.plan.com
Username: Plan
Password: Leave Blank

Vodafone - MBB and Voice & Data tariffs (please check additional Vodafone options below)
APN: internet
Username: web
Password: web
Vodafone LPWAN SIMs (NB-IoT & LTE-M)
APN: mm.lpwan
Username: vodafone
Password: vodafone

NB - There are multiple APNs to choose from – please carefully select the correct option from list below.
Three IOT
APN: scancom.io
Username: Leave Blank
Password: Leave Blank
Three - MBB and Voice & Data Tariffs
APN: three.co.uk
Username: Leave Blank
Password: Leave Blank
Three M2M - dynamic IP tariffs (*). This APN assigns a UK IP
* - This APN is not available to the Scancom, Three, ‘tiered’ tariffs (i.e. those that have T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 or T9 in the tariff names) but is available to all other Three dynamic IP tariffs.
APN: 3iot2.com
Username: three
Password: three
Three M2M - dynamic IP tariffs. This APN assigns an Irish IP
This APN is available for all Scancom Three M2M tariffs (in most cases people will choose to use the UK IP APN above)
APN: 3iot.com
Username: three
Password: three
Three M2M - Fixed IP tariffs. This APN assigns a public, Fixed (static), UK IP
APN: mm.static
Username: three
Password: three
Three M2M – Private APN tariffs ▲
APN: mm.apn
Username: three
Password: three
Three M2M – L2TP tariffs
APN: mm.l2tp

Extreme Data
APN: gigsky-02
Username: Leave blank
Password: Leave blank
NB - There are multiple APNs to choose from – please carefully select the correct option from list below.
MultiNet M2M - dynamic IP tariffs (*). This APN assigns a UK IP
APN: 3iot2.com
Username: multinet
Password: multinet
MultiNet M2M - dynamic IP tariffs – This APN assigns an Irish IP
In most cases people will choose to use the UK IP APN above
APN: 3iot.com
Username: multinet
Password: multinet
MultiNet M2M - Fixed IP tariffs. This APN assigns a public, Fixed (static), UK IP
APN: mm.static
Username: multinet
Password: multinet
Multinet M2M – Private APN tariffs
APN: mm.apn
Username: multinet
Password: multinet
MultiNet M2M – L2TP tariffs
APN: mm.l2tp
Username: <Allocated by the ISP>
Password: <Allocated by the ISP>
eSIM M2M – All eSIM tariffs except eSIM L2TP (including Dynamic IP, Fixed IP & Private APN)
APN: globaldata.iot
Username: esim
Password: esim
eSIM M2M - L2TP tariffs
APN: globaldata.iot
Username: <Allocated by the ISP>
Password: <Allocated by the ISP>
KPN M2M - MultiNetwork
APN: fast.m2m
Username: kpn
Password: kpn
KPN M2M - Multinetwork + SMS
Username: kpn
Password: kpn
KPN M2M - Multinetwork ‘PPG’ (Pay-Per-GB)
APN: fast.vpn
Username: kpn
Password: kpn